Working papers, summaries prepared in the framework of the project

CrossborderBuilding partnershipEU

The summary of the working papers prepared in the framework of the project can be downloaded in Hungarian from the link below:

A szlovák-magyar határ menti migráció

The summary of the working papers prepared in the framework of the project can be downloaded in Slovak from the link below:

Slovensko-maďarská pohraničná migrácia

 The summary of the working papers prepared in the framework of the project can be downloaded in Hungarian from the link below:

Cross-border migration between Slovakia and Hungary

The executive summary of the labour market analysis can be downloaded from the link below:

The executive summary of the labour market analysis

The executive summary of the economic analysis can be downloaded from the link below:

 The executive summary of the economic analysis













The content of this webpage does not necessarily represent the official standpoint of the European Union

Contact of the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013: 


Photos of the closing conference
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Photos of the second workshop
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Photos of the first workshop
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Photos of the scenes of the interviews
Photos of the opening conference
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