Economic policy mix: a simplifying trilemma
The aim of this paper is to analyse the changing set of objectives of monetary and fiscal policies and to show the short-term and long-term effects of tools used according to these changing objectives in the face of different economic shocks. The paper empirically examines the changes in economic policies over the past 23 years using data from European Union member countries and presents simulation results associated with economic policy objectives. The simulation shows that, when taking into account the global financial shock, the energy price shock and the two shocks together, the highest level of social welfare over a ten-year horizon is achieved when central banks reintroduce the economic stabilization objective into their reaction function. The scientifically novel results demonstrate that the triple objective system, which is also identified for monetary policy and fiscal policy, is simplified into a dilemma of growth and stability, influenced by the state of the economy, the international environment, economic policy credibility and debt perceptions.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: C15, E47, E61, F6.
Dragon fire: China’s natural gas relations with Russia
The article analyses the evolution, circumstances, geopolitical drivers and prospects of the natural gas policy negotiations and cooperation between China and Russia over the past decade. The energy policy relations between the two countries are an excellent example of the non-market challenges that major energy policy cooperation faces. Natural barriers (lack of infrastructure, long distances) and competition from other gas suppliers (Turkmenistan, Qatar, Australia, USA), which Russia has to overcome to supply the Chinese market, are significant obstacles to developing and deepening cooperation. The development of a direct natural gas connection between the two countries results from a long negotiation and bargaining process, during which political considerations have often overwritten purely economic considerations. The breakthrough could be linked to the 2014 Power of Siberia 1 gas pipeline agreement. China’s preference in its dealings with Russia is to expand LNG supplies, while at present, it is not in its interest to expand piped gas supplies by building the Power of Siberia 2. Although Russia would export more gas to China following Western sanctions against Russia in 2022, the rapid switch from Western to Eastern supplies is impossible due to insufficient infrastructure and production capacity in the Russian Far East. Due to the changing geopolitical landscape in the West and the slow development of natural gas relations in the Russian Far East, Russia has found itself in an increasingly weak bargaining position vis-à-vis China. As a result, there now is a paradoxical situation in which China, as a consumer, can influence the terms of natural gas supplies more than Russia, as a producer.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: F51, F52, Q340.
Review on the book of Éva Várhegyi: The occupation of the banking system – How the political power is putting the banks at the service of the political power
(Magyar Narancs books, Tea Publishing House, 2023, 254 pages)
Éva Várhegyi’s book guides the reader through the process aimed at giving the Orbán governments that came to power after 2010 as much influence as possible over the Hungarian banking system. The book is easy to read for the public yet written with great expertise. The book analyses in detail the steps in this process, broken down by segments of the banking sector. Following an analysis of the political “occupation” of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) and Eximbank, it shows how political influence gained over private banks was consistently built up: How did the government first liquidate the cooperative banking sector in order to create MBH Bank, a large bank intended to compete with OTP, on the basis of cooperative banks, the Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank (MKB) and the Budapest Bank (BB). How it rewarded and punished foreign-owned banks to “tame them”, and what its controversial relationship with OTP was. The final chapter of the book, and the concluding reflections, take stock of the peculiarities and risks of the crony system set up by the ownership structure and operating system described earlier.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: G21, G28, P14.
Toward new crises
Reflections on the book of Guillaume Pitron: The rare metals war – The dark side of clean energy and digital technologies
(Pallas Athéné Publishing House Ltd., Budapest, 2023, 288 pages)
Rare metals and rare earth elements, a subset of rare metals, are often called the oil of the future, as they are essential in the technologies that will underpin the economy of the years to come. These special materials are particularly needed for the digital and green transition. However, there are two problems with rare (earth) metals: first, their extraction is highly polluting and second, some countries, notably China, have monopolized their production. This can lead to serious disruptions, conflicts, and even wars. French journalist and documentary filmmaker Guillaume Pitron’s book, which paints a rather worrying picture of the future, explores the dangers of rare (earth) metals.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: F18, F51, F52, F64, O13, Q34, Q53.
Perception of the startup entrepreneurial function and regulation
The present study reflects on the definitions of startups in the business world, in the relevant economic literature and in statistics, and assesses the appropriateness of the startup concepts in the Hungarian legal regulation and provides comments on their development. To meet these objectives, it first takes stock of the relevant definitions (from the fields of business, literature, law and statistics) and then draws conclusions from the analysis of the individual definitional elements. For the conceptual elements, the parameters of high growth potential, small size and early life stage and their relationships with other definitional elements are explained. In the field of legal definitions, the absence of the criterion of high growth potential is noted. In the area of legal definitions, the concept of innovation needs to be rethought in terms of content and its relationship with startups. The article makes proposals for more precise regulation in these areas.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: K20, K33, K34, K40.